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Nato da un crimine contro l'umanità (Born of a crime against humanity), essay (Tab Edizioni, italian, ebook version, 2022, also available in paperback)
Italian short stories, a dual language book: True short stories collection to understand contemporary Italy, bilingual book Italian-English (Amazon Media, 2017, also available in Paperback)
Climate change stories, a dual language book English and Italian for all ages: True short stories about global warming effects
(Amazon Media, 2017, also available in Paperback)
Climate change stories, a dual language book English and Italian for all ages: True short stories about global warming effects
(Amazon Media, 2017, also available in Paperback)
Multicultural stories for kids, fairy tales collection, English edition
(Amazon Media, 2017, also available in Paperback)
Stories of diversity, a dual language book, short stories collection, bilingual book Italian-English
(Amazon Media, 2017, also available in Paperback)
Stories of diversity, true short stories collection
(Amazon Media, 2017, also available in Paperback)
Il medico dei mostri Vol. 1
Stories of diversity, true short stories collection
(Amazon Media, 2017, also available in Paperback)
Il medico dei mostri Vol. 1
(The monster's doctor, Vol. 1 Mercurio's travel)
(Amazon Kindle, 2018)
How to explain with stories, collection of stories to make the modern life's simple for kids, Italian edition
(Amazon Media 2017, also available in Paperback)
How to explain with stories, collection of stories to make the modern life's simple for kids, Italian edition
(Amazon Media 2017, also available in Paperback)
Storie di intercultura per bambini (Intercultural stories for kids), fairy tales collection, Italian edition
(Amazon Media, 2017, also available in Paperback)
Il re della foresta (The king of the forest) short story, Picture ebook, Italian edition
L'intervallo (The interval), novel, Italian edition
(Intermezzi Editore, 2008, also available in Paperback)
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